Intercostal Neuritis: Pain Between the Ribs
Intercostal neuritis involves inflammation of the intercostal nerves, causing sharp or burning pain along the ribcage. Common triggers include viral infections like shingles, trauma, or nerve compression from conditions such as herniated discs in the thoracic spine. Patients often experience tenderness, muscle spasms, and difficulty breathing due to pain. Treatment focuses on managing inflammation and discomfort through physical therapy, medications, or chiropractic care to address spinal alignment and reduce nerve irritation. 3. Rib Subluxation:
A Common Cause of Middle Back Pain Rib subluxation occurs when a rib becomes misaligned from its normal position at the spine or sternum. This condition can result from sudden movements, poor posture, or trauma such as a fall. Symptoms include sharp, localized pain, restricted movement, and difficulty breathing deeply. Chiropractors commonly treat rib subluxations through adjustments to restore proper alignment. These gentle manipulations help alleviate pain, improve mobility, and prevent further complications.